Hear from Inspiring Leaders

Celebrate the accomplishments of Women of Color in engineering.

Ayanna Howard, Ph.D.

Ayanna Howard, Ph.D., is the first woman to lead The Ohio State University (OSU) College of Engineering.

Louvere Walker-Hannon

MathWorks application engineer Louvere Walker-Hannon is essentially an advocate for educating and training women in technology, particularly young women and those from underrepresented groups.

Niyati Tamaskar

Niyati Tamaskar is an electrical and computer engineer with 15 years’ experience developing electronic controls for machine and engine applications.

Evelyn Cortez-Davis, P.E.

A first-generation immigrant from El Salvador and the first in her family to graduate from college, Evelyn Cortez-Davis, P.E., is the assistant director of water operations at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, the United States’ largest municipal utility.

Aisha Bowe

Aisha Bowe says she has astonished herself with her meteoric rise from a teen struggling with low self-esteem to NASA aerospace engineer and now CEO of a venture encouraging young people to become engineers.

Less than 4% of engineering bachelor’s degrees are awarded to African American, Hispanic, and Native American women combined.
Of the 682 highest-level executives at five top technology companies that employ thousands of engineers, only eight are African American or Hispanic women.

Meet the Collaborative Members

A collaborative effort of over 20 leading organizations dedicated to providing the resources organizations need to create a supportive, encouraging, and inclusive environment for Women of Color in engineering.